New Born Baby Girls Names

Congratulations! You are expecting a baby girl and it’s time to think about the perfect name for your little bundle of joy.( New Born Baby Girls Names )Choosing a name for your newborn can be an exciting yet daunting task, as it will become a part of their identity for the rest of their lives. Don’t worry, we are here help! In this article, we compiled a list of 200 best new born baby girl names in English, from A to Z. Each name has been carefully selected to be unique and meaningful. So let’s dive in and find the perfect name for your little princess!

New Born Baby Girls Names


  • Abigail: A beautiful name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my father’s joy”. This name exudes warmth and affection, perfect for a loving and cheerful baby girl.
  • Amelia: With German origins, Amelia means “work” or “industrious”. It is a name often associated with intelligence and ambition, reflecting the strong and determined nature of your daughter.
  • Aurora: Derived from the Latin word for “dawn”, this name evokes images of beauty and new beginnings. Choose Aurora for a girl who brings light into your life.


  • Bella: Short for Isabella, this name is of Italian origin and means “beautiful”. Bella has an enchanting quality and is perfect for a graceful and captivating baby girl.
  • Brooklyn: A trendy and modern name, Brooklyn is often associated with strength and resilience. It has a cool urban vibe and is a wonderful choice for parents seeking a unique name for their little girl.
  • Brielle: Originating from French, Brielle means “God is my strength”. It is a name that signifies inner power and determination, making it a great choice for a girl who will grow up to be strong and independent.

200 best new born baby girls names


  • Chloe: A Greek name meaning “blooming” or “green shoot”. Chloe represents vitality, growth, and a zest for life. If you want a name that brings joy and happiness to your heart, choose Chloe for your baby girl.
  • Charlotte: With royal roots, Charlotte is a name fit for a princess. It originated from French and means “free”. This name is timeless and elegant, making it a popular choice among parents.
  • Clara: Derived from the Latin word for “clear” or “bright”, Clara is a beautiful name that exudes purity and innocence. It is perfect for parents looking for a classic name with a touch of refinement.


  • Daisy: This floral name brings to mind images of delicate beauty and simplicity. Daisy is a symbol of innocence and purity, making it a perfect choice for parents who want their daughter to grow up with these qualities.
  • Delilah: With Hebrew origins, Delilah means “delicate” or “weak”. Despite its meaning, Delilah is a strong and alluring name that carries a hint of mystery. It is a unique choice for parents looking for something different.
  • Diana: Derived from the Latin word for “divine”, Diana is a name that embodies grace, strength, and beauty. It is the perfect choice for parents who want their daughter to be a beacon of light and inspiration.


  • Eleanor: of Old French origin, Eleanor means “light” or “bright one”. This name has a timeless charm and elegance, perfect for a girl who will illuminate the lives of those around her.
  • Emma: A classic name of German origin, Emma means “whole” or “universal”. It is a name that represents strength, intelligence, and compassion, making it a great choice for any baby girl.
  • Evelyn: With English origins, Evelyn means “wished-for child” or “life”. This name has a sweet and gentle sound, perfect for a girl who will bring joy and happiness into your life.


  • Faith: Derived from the English word for belief and trust in a higher power, Faith is a name that carries a sense of spirituality and hope. It is a beautiful choice for parents who value faith and wish to instill this virtue in their daughter.
  • Fiona: With Scottish roots, Fiona means “fair” or “white”. This name has a mystical and ethereal quality, perfect for a girl with a unique and enchanting personality.
  • Freya: Originating from Norse mythology, Freya is a name associated with love, beauty, and fertility. It is a strong and alluring name that will make your little girl stand out from the crowd.


  • Genevieve: A name of French origin, Genevieve means “woman of the race” or “white wave”. This name carries an air of sophistication and elegance, perfect for a girl who is destined for greatness.
  • Grace: Derived from the Latin word for “grace” or “favor”, Grace represents elegance, poise, and divine blessing. It is a timeless name that will never go out of style.
  • Gabriella: With Hebrew origins, Gabriella means “God is my strength”. This name carries a powerful message and is perfect for parents who want their daughter to grow up knowing her inner strength.


  • Harper: A unisex name that has gained popularity in recent years, Harper means “harp player”. It has a musical and artistic association, making it a great choice for parents who appreciate creativity.
  • Hazel: This nature-inspired name brings to mind the color of hazelnuts and the beauty of autumn. Hazel is a name that represents wisdom and understanding, perfect for a girl who is destined to be wise beyond her years.
  • Hannah: Of Hebrew origin, Hannah means “grace” or “favor”. It symbolizes beauty, kindness, and devotion. Choose Hannah for a girl who will bring joy and happiness into your life.

unique girl names Bangladesh


  • Isabella: This classic name has Italian origins and means “pledged to God”. Isabella has an elegant and regal quality, making it a popular choice for parents who want their daughter to have a name fit for a queen.
  • Ivy: A name inspired by the evergreen climbing plant, Ivy represents strength, resilience, and eternal life. It is a unique and captivating choice for parents looking for a nature-inspired name.
  • Ingrid: Of Scandinavian origin, Ingrid means “beautiful” or “fair”. This name carries a sense of mystery and allure, perfect for a girl who will grow up to be confident and enchanting.


  • Jasmine: This beautiful floral name is of Persian origin and signifies beauty, grace, and delicateness. Jasmine is a name that brings to mind images of blooming gardens and sweet-scented flowers.
  • Jade: Derived from the Spanish word for “stone of the side”, Jade is a name associated with beauty, harmony, and balance. It is perfect for parents who value tranquility and serenity.
  • Josephine: With French origins, Josephine means “God will increase”. This name carries a sense of resilience and strength, perfect for a girl who will overcome any obstacle in her path.


  • Katherine: A timeless and elegant name, Katherine has Greek origins and means “pure”. It is a classic choice for parents who appreciate tradition and sophistication.
  • Kennedy: This unisex name has Irish origins and means “helmeted chief”. It has a strong and powerful association, making it a great choice for parents who want their daughter to embrace her inner strength.
  • Kylie: With Australian origins, Kylie means “boomerang”. This name represents resilience, adaptability, and a strong sense of self. It is a unique and modern choice for parents who want their daughter to stand out from the crowd.


  • Lily: This delicate and graceful name is inspired by the beautiful flower. Lily represents beauty, purity, and innocence. It is a name that brings to mind images of blooming gardens and sunny days.
  • Leah: With Hebrew origins, Leah means “weary” or “delicate”. Despite its meaning, Leah is a strong and resilient name that signifies determination and inner strength.
  • Layla: Derived from the Arabic word for “night”, Layla is a name associated with mystery and enchantment. It is perfect for parents who want their daughter to have a name that is both unique and captivating.


  • Madison: A unisex name that has gained popularity in recent years, Madison means “son of Matthew”. It has a strong and powerful association, perfect for parents looking for a name with a modern twist.
  • Mia: With Italian origins, Mia means “mine” or “wished-for child”. This name has a sweet and gentle sound, representing love and affection. Choose Mia for a girl who will capture your heart.
  • Mackenzie: This Scottish name means “son of Coinneach”. Mackenzie is a name associated with leadership and strength. It is a great choice for parents who want their daughter to grow up knowing her worth.


  • Natalie: Derived from the Latin word for “Christmas Day”, Natalie is a name that represents joy, love, and celebration. It is a timeless and elegant choice, perfect for a girl born during the festive season.
  • Nora: With Latin origins, Nora means “honor” or “light”. This name carries a sense of strength and integrity, perfect for a girl who will grow up to be a beacon of truth and inspiration.
  • Naomi: Of Hebrew origin, Naomi means “pleasantness” or “sweetness”. This name represents kindness, compassion, and grace. Choose Naomi for a girl who will bring joy and happiness into your life.

unique girl names with their meanings


  • Olivia: This classic and timeless name has Latin origins and means “olive tree”. Olivia represents peace, harmony, and fertility. It is a name that will never go out of style.
  • Octavia: With Latin origins, Octavia means “eighth”. This name carries a sense of uniqueness and individuality, perfect for a girl who is destined to stand out from the crowd.
  • Ophelia: Inspired by Shakespeare’s tragic character, Ophelia is a name associated with beauty, innocence, and tragedy. It is a unique and captivating choice for parents who appreciate literature and art.


  • Penelope: This Greek name means “weaver” or “duck”. Penelope is a name associated with intelligence, creativity, and resourcefulness. It is perfect for parents who want their daughter to embrace her unique talents.
  • Piper: Derived from the English word for a musical instrument, Piper is a name associated with creativity, harmony, and joy. It is a unique and whimsical choice for parents who appreciate the beauty of music.
  • Peyton: A unisex name that has gained popularity in recent years, Peyton means “fighting man’s estate”. It carries a sense of strength and empowerment, perfect for a girl who will overcome any challenge.


  • Quinn: This unisex name has Irish origins and means “counsel” or “intelligent”. Quinn is a name associated with wisdom and intelligence, making it a great choice for parents who value knowledge and learning.
  • Queenie: Derived from the English word for “queen”, Queenie represents royalty, power, and authority. It is a name that signifies leadership and strength, perfect for a girl who is destined to rule.
  • Qiana: With African origins, Qiana means “silk”. This name carries a sense of luxury and elegance, perfect for a girl who will grow up to appreciate the finer things in life.


  • Rachel: Of Hebrew origin, Rachel means “ewe” or “lamb”. This name represents gentleness, compassion, and innocence. It is a beautiful choice for parents who want their daughter to grow up with a kind and caring nature.
  • Ruby: Inspired by the precious gemstone, Ruby represents love, passion, and energy. It is a vibrant and striking name that will make your little girl shine bright like a ruby.
  • Rose: This timeless and elegant name is inspired by the beautiful flower. Rose represents love, beauty, and femininity. It is a name that brings to mind images of blooming gardens and sweet-scented flowers.


  • Sophia: Derived from the Greek word for “wisdom”, Sophia is a name associated with intelligence, knowledge, and insight. It is a classic and sophisticated choice for parents who want their daughter to have a name that reflects her inner beauty.
  • Stella: of Latin origin, Stella means “star”. This name carries a sense of brightness and brilliance, perfect for a girl who will light up your life with her presence.
  • Seraphina: With Hebrew origins, Seraphina means “burning ones” or “fiery ones”. This name carries a sense of passion and intensity, perfect for a girl who will grow up to be bold and fearless.


  • Taylor: A unisex name that has gained popularity in recent years, Taylor means “tailor” or “to cut”. It carries a sense of craftsmanship and attention to detail, making it a great choice for parents who appreciate the value of hard work.
  • Violet: This floral name is inspired by the beautiful purple flower. Violet is a name associated with beauty, elegance, and enchantment. Choose Violet for a girl who will bring color into your life.
  • Trinity: With Latin origins, Trinity represents the concept of three-ness or tri-unity. It is a name that carries a sense of harmony and balance, perfect for parents who value spirituality.

Beautiful Baby Girls Name


  • Uma: Derived from Sanskrit, Uma means “flax” or “splendor”. This name carries a sense of beauty and radiance, perfect for a girl who will grow up to be captivating and enchanting.
  • Unity: A name that represents oneness and togetherness, Unity embodies the idea of strength in unity. It is a unique and powerful choice for parents who wish to instill a sense of community and collaboration in their daughter.
  • Ulyssa: With Greek origins, Ulyssa means “wrathful” or “angry one”. Despite its meaning, Ulyssa is a strong and resilient name that signifies determination and inner strength. Choose Ulyssa for a girl who will overcome any obstacle in her path.


  • Victoria: Derived from the Latin word for “victory”, Victoria is a name associated with triumph, success, and resilience. It is a powerful and empowering choice for parents who want their daughter to know that she can conquer anything.
  • Violetta: A variation of the name Violet, Violetta carries the same associations of beauty, elegance, and enchantment. It is a refined and sophisticated choice for parents who appreciate the finer things in life.
  • Vanessa: This name has literary origins, popularized by Jonathan Swift’s poetic invention “Cadenus and Vanessa”. Vanessa is a name associated with grace, beauty, and charm, making it perfect for a girl who will capture hearts with her presence.


  • Willow: Inspired by the graceful and swaying willow tree, Willow is a name associated with flexibility, peace, and harmony. It is a unique and nature-inspired choice for parents who appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
  • Winter: This name represents the coldest season of the year, bringing to mind images of snow-covered landscapes and cozy evenings by the fire. Winter is a beautiful and captivating choice for a girl born during the winter months.
  • Wendy: Derived from the Welsh name Gwendolen, Wendy means “white” or “blessed”. This name carries a sense of purity and innocence, perfect for a girl who will bring joy and happiness into your life.


  • Ximena: of Spanish origin, Ximena means “hearkening” or “listener”. This name signifies a girl who is attentive and perceptive, making it a great choice for parents who want their daughter to have a name that reflects her powers of observation.
  • Xenia: With Greek origins, Xenia means “hospitality” or “guest-friendship”. It is a name that represents warmth, kindness, and generosity, perfect for a girl who will always make others feel welcome.
  • Xena: Inspired by the fictional warrior princess, Xena is a name associated with strength, courage, and determination. It is a unique and empowering choice for parents who want their daughter to embrace her inner warrior.


  • Yasmin: Derived from the Persian word for the jasmine flower, Yasmin represents grace, beauty, and elegance. It is a name that carries a sense of delicacy and refinement, perfect for a girl with a gentle and kind nature.
  • Yara: With Arabic origins, Yara means “small butterfly” or “precious wood”. This name carries a sense of grace, beauty, and transformation, perfect for a girl who will grow up to be captivating and enchanting.
  • Yvonne: of French origin, Yvonne means “yew tree”. This name represents strength, endurance, and resilience in the face of adversity. Choose Yvonne for a girl who will overcome any challenge with grace and determination.


  • Zoe: Derived from the Greek word for “life”, Zoe is a name associated with vitality, energy, and enthusiasm. It is a name that represents a zest for life and a love for adventure.
  • Zamira: This unique and exotic name has Arabic origins and means “song” or “poetry”. Zamira represents creativity, passion, and expression, making it a great choice for parents who appreciate the arts.
  • Zara: With Hebrew origins, Zara means “shine” or “to flower”. It is a name that exudes beauty and elegance, perfect for a girl who will radiate light wherever she goes.

Now that you have explored our list of 200 best new born baby girl names in English, from A

200+ Latest Baby Girl Names With Meanings


Ava – “Bird” or “Life”
Aria – “Air” or “Melody”
Amelia – “Work” or “Industrious”
Abigail – “Father’s Joy”
Adeline – “Noble” or “Nobility”
Alice – “Noble” or “Truth”
Aurora – “Dawn”
Autumn – “Season of Harvest”
Addison – “Child of Adam”
Aaliyah – “Exalted” or “High”
Anastasia – “Resurrection”
Arabella – “Beautiful Lion”
Alexis – “Defender of the People”
Athena – “Goddess of Wisdom”
Amber – “Fossilized Tree Resin”

Bella – “Beautiful”
Brooklyn – “Broken Land” or “Stream”
Brielle – “God is My Strength”
Bailey – “Bailiff” or “Steward”
Beatrice – “Bringer of Joy”
Blake – “Pale” or “Fair-haired”
Brynn – “Hill” or “Mount”
Brianna – “Strong” or “Virtuous”
Bridget – “Exalted” or “Strength”
Bethany – “House of Figs”
Bonnie – “Pretty” or “Charming”
Brooke – “Small Stream”
Blair – “Field” or “Plain”
Blythe – “Free Spirit” or “Happy”
Brinley – “Burnt Meadow”

Chloe – “Blooming” or “Green Shoot”
Charlotte – “Free” or “Petite”
Claire – “Clear” or “Bright”
Caroline – “Free Woman” or “Strong”
Cassidy – “Clever” or “Curly-haired”
Camila – “Perfect” or “Virginal”
Cora – “Maiden” or “Filled Heart”
Cecilia – “Blind” or “Lively”
Clara – “Clear” or “Bright”
Callie – “Beautiful” or “Voice”
Cadence – “Rhythm” or “Flow”
Catalina – “Pure” or “Clear”
Cadence – “Rhythm” or “Flow”
Celeste – “Heavenly”
Celia – “Heavenly”

unique girl names with their meanings

Daisy – “Day’s Eye” or “Blooming”
(Note: Due to character limitations, I’ll continue with “D” in the next response.)

Continue writing please
Certainly! Continuing with the names for the letter “D”:


  1. Delilah – “Delicate” or “Gentle”

Daniella – “God is My Judge”
Diana – “Divine” or “Heavenly”
Dahlia – Named after the flower
Daphne – “Laurel” or “Bay Tree”
Delaney – “Descendant of the Challenger”
Destiny – “Fate” or “Fortune”
Desiree – “Desired” or “Wished for”
Dakota – “Friend” or “Ally”
Delia – “Belonging to Delos”
Demi – “Half” or “Small”
Denise – “Follower of Dionysius”
Dulce – “Sweet”
Dara – “Compassion” or “Wisdom”

Emma – “Whole” or “Universal”
Emily – “Industrious” or “Striving”
Ella – “Beautiful Fairy”
Ellie – “Light” or “Shining Light”
Evelyn – “Beautiful Bird”
Elizabeth – “My God is Abundance”
Eleanor – “Bright” or “Shining Light”
Emery – “Brave” or “Powerful”
Eden – “Delight” or “Paradise”
Eliana – “God has Answered”
Elise – “Consecrated to God”
Eliza – “My God is an Oath”
Esme – “Beloved” or “Esteemed”
Evangeline – “Bearer of Good News”
Everly – “From the Boar Meadow”

Faith – “Complete Trust” or “Belief”
Fiona – “Fair” or “White”
Freya – “Lady” or “Noble Woman”
Felicity – “Happiness” or “Good Fortune”
Finley – “Fair-haired Hero”
Francesca – “Free” or “From France”
Faye – “Fairy” or “Elf”
Farrah – “Joyful” or “Happy”
Flora – “Flower” or “Blossom”
Fallon – “Leader” or “Superior”
Fatima – “Captivating” or “Weaning”
Fleur – “Flower”
Frances – “Free” or “From France”
Fallon – “Leader” or “Superior”
Farrah – “Joyful” or “Happy”

Grace – “Elegance” or “Divine Favor”
Gabriella – “God is My Strength”
Gianna – “God is Gracious”
Genevieve – “Woman of the Race”
Gemma – “Gem” or “Jewel”
Giselle – “Pledge” or “Hostage”
Grace – “Elegance” or “Divine Favor”
Georgia – “Farmer” or “Tiller of the Soil”
Gwendolyn – “Fair” or “Blessed”
Genesis – “Beginning” or “Origin”
Gloria – “Glory” or “Fame”
Gia – “God is Gracious”
Gabrielle – “God is My Strength”
Gemma – “Gem” or “Jewel”
Giselle – “Pledge” or “Hostage”
I hope you find the perfect name from this list!

“uncommon Bengali baby girl names”


Harper – “Harp Player” or “Minstrel”
Hazel – “Hazelnut” or “The Hazel Tree”
Hannah – “Grace” or “Favor”
Hailey – “Hay Clearing” or “Hero”
Harmony – “Unity” or “Agreement”
Hope – “Trust” or “Faith”
Heidi – “Noble” or “Noble One”
Halle – “Rock” or “Nook”
Haven – “Safe Place” or “Refuge”
Hadley – “Heath Clearing” or “Field of Heather”
Hazel – “Hazelnut” or “The Hazel Tree”
Harmony – “Unity” or “Agreement”
Harper – “Harp Player” or “Minstrel”
Helena – “Bright” or “Shining Light”
Holly – “Holly Tree”

Isabella – “God is My Oath”
Ivy – “Climbing Vine Plant”
Isla – “Island” or “River Isla”
Iris – “Rainbow” or “Messenger of the Gods”
Imogen – “Maiden” or “Girl”
Isabelle – “God is My Oath”
Indigo – “Deep Blue Dye”
Ingrid – “Beautiful” or “Beloved”
India – “River” or “Land of the Indus”
Imani – “Faith”
Isolde – “Fair” or “Beautiful”
Inara – “Ray of Light”
Irene – “Peace”
Isadora – “Gift of Isis”
Ilene – “Light” or “Bright”

Jade – “Precious Stone”
Julia – “Youthful” or “Downy”
Jasmine – “Gift from God”
Josephine – “God Will Increase”
Juniper – “Evergreen Shrub”
Jocelyn – “Joyous” or “Gaut” (Germanic tribe)
Jordyn – “To Flow Down” or “Descend”
Journey – “Adventure” or “Trip”
Jayla – “Beautiful” or “Blue Jay”
Janelle – “God is Gracious”
Jessa – “Wealthy” or “Gift”
Josie – “God Will Increase”
Juliet – “Youthful” or “Downy”
Juno – “Queen of the Heavens”
Joy – “Happiness” or “Delight”

Kelsey – “Island of Ships” or “Victorious Ship”
Kennedy – “Helmeted Chief” or “Misshapen Head”
Kaylee – “Pure” or “Keeper of the Keys”
Khloe – “Green Shoot” or “Young Green Shoot”
Kendall – “Valley of the River Kent”
Kira – “Dark-Haired” or “Ladylike”
Kinsley – “King’s Meadow” or “King’s Field”
Kylie – “Boomerang”
Kaia – “Pure” or “Earth”
Kenzie – “Fair One” or “Greatest Champion”
Kaya – “Wise Child”
Keira – “Dark-Haired” or “Dark Princess”
Kylee – “Boomerang”
Katherine – “Pure” or “Clear”
Kennedy – “Helmeted Chief” or “Misshapen Head”

Baby girl names Hindu modern


Lily – “Pure” or “The Flower Lily”
Leah – “Weary” or “Meadow”
Luna – “Moon”
Layla – “Night” or “Dark Beauty”
Lucy – “Light”
Lillian – “Lily” or “The Flower Lily”
Lauren – “Laurel” or “Bay Tree”
Lydia – “Woman from Lydia”
Leah – “Weary” or “Meadow”
Lila – “Night” or “Dark Beauty”
London – “From the Great River”
Lucia – “Light” or “Bright”
Logan – “Little Hollow”
Lilith – “Night Monster” or “Storm Goddess”
Leila – “Dark as Night” or “Night Beauty”

Mia – “Mine” or “Bitter”
Madison – “Son of Matthew” or “Gift of God”
Maya – “Dream” or “Illusion”
Mackenzie – “Son of the Wise Leader”
Madeline – “High Tower” or “Woman from Magdala”
Morgan – “Sea Circle” or “Bright Sea”
Molly – “Bitter” or “Rebellious”
Mila – “Gracious” or “Dear”
Melanie – “Black” or “Dark”
Mariah – “Wind” or “Bitter”
Matilda – “Mighty in Battle”
Megan – “Pearl”
McKenna – “Son of Cionaodh”
Maisie – “Pearl”
Mya – “Emerald” or “Great One”

Natalie – “Christmas Day” or “Born on Christmas”
Nora – “Light”
Naomi – “Pleasantness” or “Delight”
Nicole – “Victorious People”
Natalie – “Christmas Day” or “Born on Christmas”
Nova – “New”
Nina – “Dreamer” or “Dream”
Norah – “Light”
Nadia – “Hope” or “Caller”
Nyla – “Winner” or “Champion”
Naomi – “Pleasantness” or “Delight”
Noelle – “Christmas” or “Born on Christmas Day”
Nadine – “Hope” or “Caller”
Nevaeh – “Heaven” spelled backward
Nyah – “Purpose” or “End”

Olivia – “Olive Tree”
Ophelia – “Help” or “Aid”
Oakley – “Oak Wood” or “Clearing”
Octavia – “Eighth” or “Born Eighth”
Olive – “Olive Tree”
Opal – “Gem” or “Jewel”
Odette – “Wealth” or “Riches”
Oriana – “Golden” or “Sunrise”
Octavia – “Eighth” or “Born Eighth”
Olivia – “Olive Tree”
Orla – “Golden Princess”
Onyx – “Black Gemstone”
Odessa – “Odyssey” or “Long Journey”
Oona – “Lamb” or “Unity”
Olympia – “From Mount Olympus”

Penelope – “Weaver” or “Dream Weaver”
Piper – “Flute Player”
Paige – “Young Servant” or “Child”
Peyton – “Village Warrior”
Phoebe – “Bright” or “Shining”
Paisley – “Church” or “Place of Worship”
Poppy – “Red Flower”
Pearl – “Precious Gem”
Penelope – “Weaver” or “Dream Weaver”
Piper – “Flute Player”
Presley – “Priest’s Meadow”
Parker – “Park Keeper”
Primrose – “First Rose”
Paloma – “Dove”
Persephone – “Bringer of Destruction”

Quinn – “Wisdom” or “Counsel”
Queenie – “Queen” or “Female Monarch”
Quincy – “Estate of the Fifth Son”
Quiana – “Silky” or “Soft”
Quinlan – “Descendant of the Lennox”
Quiana – “Silky” or “Soft”
Quinn – “Wisdom” or “Counsel”
Queenie – “Queen” or “Female Monarch”
Quinlan – “Descendant of the Lennox”
Quincy – “Estate of the Fifth Son”

Riley – “Courageous” or “Valiant”
Rose – “Rose Flower”
Ruby – “Red Gemstone”
Reagan – “Little Ruler”
Reese – “Enthusiastic” or “Fiery”
Raegan – “Little Ruler”
Rowan – “Little Red-haired One” or “Tree with Red Berries”
Rachel – “Ewe” or “Female Sheep”
Rylee – “Valiant”
Raelyn – “Roe Deer” or “Ewe”
Raina – “Queen” or “Mighty”
Ramona – “Wise Protector”
Rebecca – “To Bind” or “To Tie”
Renata – “Reborn” or “Born Again”
Remi – “Oarsman” or “Rower”

Sophia – “Wisdom”
Stella – “Star”
Scarlett – “Red”
Savannah – “Flat Tropical Grassland”
Serenity – “Peaceful Disposition”
Skylar – “Scholar” or “Cultivator of Knowledge”
Samantha – “Listener” or “Heard by God”
Sophie – “Wisdom”
Sadie – “Princess” or “Noble”
Sydney – “Wide Meadow”
Sienna – “Orange-Red”
Sloane – “Raider” or “Warrior”
Summer – “Season of Hot Weather”
Sabrina – “From the Border” or “Princess”
Selena – “Moon Goddess” or “Heavenly”

top 1000 baby girl names


Taylor – “Cutter of Cloth” or “Tailor”
Trinity – “Triad” or “Threefold”
Tessa – “Harvester” or “To Reap”
Teagan – “Little Poet” or “Attractive”
Talia – “Dew of God” or “Blooming”
Tatiana – “Fairy Queen”
Tatum – “Bringer of Joy” or “Full of Spirit”
Thea – “Goddess” or “Light”
Tori – “Victorious” or “Conqueror”
Tessa – “Harvester” or “To Reap”
Taylor – “Cutter of Cloth” or “Tailor”
Trinity – “Triad” or “Threefold”
Talia – “Dew of God” or “Blooming”
Tatum – “Bringer of Joy” or “Full of Spirit”
Teagan – “Little Poet” or “Attractive”

Uma – “Mother” or “Nation”
Unity – “Oneness” or “Harmony”
Ursa – “Bear”
Ulani – “Cheerful”
Ursula – “Little Female Bear”
Uma – “Mother” or “Nation”
Unity – “Oneness” or “Harmony”
Ursa – “Bear”
Ulani – “Cheerful”
Ursula – “Little Female Bear”

Violet – “Purple”
Victoria – “Victory”
Valentina – “Strong” or “Healthy”
Vanessa – “Butterfly”
Vivian – “Alive” or “Lively”
Vera – “Truth” or “Faith”
Valerie – “Strong” or “Vigorous”
Veronica – “True Image” or “Bringer of Victory”
Vienna – “From Wine Country”
Vivienne – “Alive” or “Lively”
Veda – “Knowledge” or “Wisdom”
Verity – “Truth” or “Honesty”
Valeria – “Strong” or “Healthy”
Vanessa – “Butterfly”
Veda – “Knowledge” or “Wisdom”

Willow – “Slender” or “Graceful”
Winter – “Season of Winter”
Whitney – “White Island” or “White Water”
Wren – “Small Bird”
Wendy – “Friend” or “Fair”
Winona – “Firstborn Daughter”
Willow – “Slender” or “Graceful”
Winter – “Season of Winter”
Wendy – “Friend” or “Fair”
Wren – “Small Bird”

Xenia – “Hospitality”
Xanthe – “Golden” or “Yellow”
Xiomara – “Ready for Battle”
Xandra – “Defender of the People”
Xyla – “Woodland”
Xenia – “Hospitality”
Xanthe – “Golden” or “Yellow”
Xiomara – “Ready for Battle”
Xandra – “Defender of the People”
Xyla – “Woodland”

Yara – “Water Lady” or “Small Butterfly”
Yasmine – “Jasmine Flower”
Yvette – “Yew” or “Arch”
Yara – “Water Lady” or “Small Butterfly”
Yasmine – “Jasmine Flower”
Yvette – “Yew” or “Arch”

Zoe – “Life”
Zara – “Princess” or “Flower”
Zoey – “Life”
Zelda – “Gray Fighting Maid” or “Dark Battle”

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